It Didn’t Sound Like Franklin

It often happens to me that I read a statement attributed to Franklin and get a vague sense that “it doesn’t sound like Franklin.” In one recent case, it became clear why a particular statement didn’t sound like Franklin, and I’d like to share it. This morning, The Hill published this statement: “A system where …

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Exuberance Award

This tribute (link) to Franklin’s birthday from Naperville, Illinois is delightful, as exuberant splash. Congratulations and Happy 315th! The picture above is from our home in Maryland.

Birthday Celebration 2021

The 2021 Benjamin Franklin Birthday Celebration on January 15 included fascinating and timely talks on the theme: The Disintegration of Trust: Restoring Confidence in American Institutions. The 2-hour event is now available to  watch free on the 2021 Celebration website.  Time stamps throughout the recording allows viewers to watch individual speakers: Kathleen Hall Jamieson – “The …

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BIF: Adam Schiff

How nice to be suddenly Bumping Into Franklin by seeing the Walter Isaacson biography of Franklin on Adam Schiff’s bookshelf last night. I can’t see if there is a bookmark on page 454, where Isaacson says of Franklin at the Constitutional Convention: “…he argued that Congress should have the power to impeach the president.” –MCM …

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