
Our collection of scanned Gazettes is available here in PDF format. Specific inquiries welcome: contact MCM (Marty Mangold) at [email protected] Overviews here in one page to better support text searching.

  • Volume 1, Number 1, Summer 1989:
    A Brief History of the Franklin Papers.
    Initial Meeting, October 21, 1988.
    Volume XXVIII of the Papers.
    Founding Membership
  • Volume 1, Number 2 Spring 1990
    Program of the Philadelphia Conference, 4/17/1990.
    Photo: Stuart Karu, Sheldon Hackney, Sondra Myers -.
    Ellen Cohn: Hemery type foundry at Passy.
    New Friends: Finkenbeiner, Krider, Tise, Greenslet, Wright.
    Craven Street property purchased.
    Books: Lester Olson, Robert Middlekauff, Max Hall.
  • Volume 1, Number 3 Fall 1990
    Larry Tise (from the Memorial), President Karu.
    Bower Awards started.
    At Leo LeMay’s Initiative, by Deane M. Sherman.
    Le Docteur Franklin Remembered in France: by Dilys Winegrad [corrected in 2_1 to be Claude-Anne Lopez). Lopez, LeMay lectures.
    Papers, Volumes 28, 29, 30.
    Books: Peter Baida: Poor Richard’s Legacy: American Business Values from BF to Donald T.: “The sad tale…”
    Books: Rogers, Clark, Cohen,
    Book: James N. Green, Poor Richard’s Books. (exhibit)
    Books: Hall, Winegrad, Lopez, Scarf, Skemp (WF), Jeffrey A. Smith, Tise, Wright.
    Philadelphia event, January 17, 1991.
  • Volume 1, Number 4: was not issued.
  • Volume 2, Number 1  Winter, 1991.
    Larry Tise: Franklin’s bequest dispersement,
    Pittsburg Junta.  Waters gift to make Franklin a Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Club. Franklin University of Columbus, Ohio.   (5) Digital edition of The Pennsylvania Gazette by Accessible Archives. (6) Was Franklin Left-Handed (per Willard Randall, A Little Revenge, p. 33)? Others say no.Philadelphia tour: APS included BF’s traveling chess set, his Declaration, the air mail letter from WF to WTF. Michael Castle family letters bequest discussed by Claude-Anne Lopez. Library Company: BF shelf numbers.Frank Jones: first gift to the Papers, grant from Culpeper Foundation.

    Activities in Italy (Sampietroin Milan), France (Lorient).

    Philadelphia Hospital Art Contest.

    Correction of authorship.

    Book: William Carr, The Oldest Delegate, summarized.

    New Children’s Books: Adler, Aliki, Carr, Daugherty, Davidson, Feldman, Greene, Looby, Meltzer, Osborne, Potter, Scarf, and Stamp Club Coloring Book (USPS).

    Next meeting: why so many biographies of WF and BFB but none of Sally Franklin Bache?

  • Volume 2, Number 2    Spring 1991:
    Tise: (1) Life Insurance Company, (2) Doug Whitley public radio support (and letter),  (3) Hennage furnishings in Antiques magazine Dec 1990, (4) Archbold, Meikla, Scroggins, Long, (5) Chambersburg High School visit.
    Photo: 1949 seated statue by James Earle Fraser at Franklin Life Insurance Company, Springfield, IL, later seen on West Wing.
    Progress on supporting the Papers: out of print volumes to be reprinted.
    Franklin at Yale.
    BF Art Video by Peter Rose.
    Philadelphia Kite Festival.
    Death of Edwin Wolf 2nd.
    Book Review Bonanza: NYRB 1/31/1991 Secrets of BF by E.S. Morgan.
    Excerpt from Francis J. O’Brien 1972 history of the Franklin Life Insurance Company and James Earle Fraser.
    Drafts available: Samuel Bryan Scott, Edward W. Chester, Aaron Goldman.
    April 1991 event schedule, Philadelphia.
    Purchasing Plan for the Papers.
    England tour for October 7-14, 1991 scheduled.
  • Volume 2, Number 3, Summer, 1991:
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “On The Trail of the Last Franklin, 1. Who Was Temple” (with a killer quote by Jonathan Williams),
    Recipe for Orange Shrub.
  • Benjamin Franklin in England, October 7-14, 1991: brochure about the trip.
  • Volume 2, Number 4[3], Fall 1991: published with an incorrect Volume/Number identification (“Volume 2, Number 3, Fall 1991”).
    “Friends Meet in New Haven.”
    “A Selective Guide to Printed Material Relating to the Iconography and Artifacts of Benjamin Franklin.”
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “On the Trail of the Last Franklin: 2. Who knew what?”
  • Volume 3, Number 1, Winter, 1992:
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “Franklin at Yale: Keep Bright the Chain” (regarding a teapot),
    “Sound Sense” by William G. Carr on Franklin, Massachusetts.
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “On the Trail of the Last Franklin: 3. Surprise at Sea.”
    Max Hall, “Franklin the Grammar-School Drop-Out.”
  • Volume 3, Number 2, Spring, 1992:
    Tour to Perth Amboy, NJ.
    NEH Grant to the Papers.
    Max Hall, “Franklin the Grammar-School Drop-Out…: II. Relations with Harvard”
    Deane Sherman and William Carr: “Franklin Without A Mask”.
    Dick Hoefnagel, “The Difference One Little Word Can Make; A Misreading in Poor Richard, 1747.
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “On the Trail of the Last Franklin: 4. The Go-Between.”
  • Volume 3, Number 3: Summer, 1992:
    From the Desk of Larry Tise
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “Some New Light on Franklin’s Mother”
    Franklin Descendants Project
    Mrs. Cecilia Gniewek-Brauer, armonicist
    Max Hall, “Franklin the Grammar-School Dropout… III. His Curiosity”
    Plan for the Boston Tour, October 2-3, 1992
    Aaron Goldman, “BF, Fund Raiser”
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “On the Trail of the Last Franklin: 5: Settling in Paris (1777-78)” with citation to Prof. Thomas Schaeper regarding Leray du Chaumont.
  • Volume 3, Number 4.
  • Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 2001
    President’s Message by Ralph Gregory Elliot: Franklin and Lincoln
    Franklin Rods, by Kate Ohno
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “From Warm to Very Warm to Icy to So-So: The Story of a Friendship: Benjamin Franklin and William Strahan: Part I: Introductions”
    BF and David Hume, by Mark G. Spenser
    Franklin Essay Contest Winners
    Joint Meeting of the FoF Board with the Friends of the Franklin Papers at Yale (picture)
    Book: BF and the Magic Squares by Frank Murphy
    FoF Trip to Brussels, Bruges… and, of course, Amsterdam
    Welcome to our New Life Member, E. Cutter Hughes, Jr.
    FoF Membership Medallion (picture)
    Featured Friend: Phil W. Greenslet
  • Volume 11, Number 2:
    L. David Roper, “Proposal to Use BF’s Y-Chromosome to Settle Some Family Traditions about Relationships to Benjamin.”
    William A. Betts, “The Brief Return of Dr. Benjamin Franklin.” [fiction on the ephemera].
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “From Warm to Very Warm to Icy to So-So: The Story of a Friendship: Benjamin Franklin and William Strahan: Part II: Books Across the Sea.”
    Pamela Hartsock, Ph.D.!
  • Volume 11, Number 3, Fall, 2001:
    Franklin and Blackbeard.
    Claude-Anne Lopez, “From Warm to Very Warm to Icy to So-So: The Story of a Friendship: Benjamin Franklin and William Strahan: Part III: Matchmaking?” and
    “In His Own Words: Young Franklin on Partisanship and Good Government”.
    Sheldon S. Cohen: “Griffith Williams: Friend to BF and Friend to American Liberty”.
    “Franklin in Japan – Comes to Philadelphia!”.
    L. David Roper: “More on Y-Chromosomes”
  • Volume 11, Number 4, Winter, 2001:
    Advertisement, BF’s Three-WHeeled Clock.”
    Elizbeth Ihrig, “The Bakken’s Glass Armonica” [Minneapolis, MN: In 2018, I find only this exhibit].
  • Volume 14, Number 1
  • Volume 14, Number 2
  • Volume 14, Number 3
  • Volume 14, Number 4 
    Message from President Ralph Gregory Elliott
    Friends to visit Washington, DC (Isaacson, Lopez, Srodes, Lehrer, Cohn, et. al.)
    Tercentenary Database progress, Connie Hershey.
    Libertas Medal.
    BF and Erasmus Darwin, by Prof. Jonathan Powers.
    Ben & His Cooked Turkey, by John Walburn.
    Meet You in Aichi [Japan]?
    Seymour Stanton Block biography.
    In Memoriam: Charles W. Lard, 1946-2004.
    Josh Kornbluth, Benjamin Franklin Unplugged, by Claude-Anne Lopez: their joint appearance in San Francisco, November 6, (2004?).
  • Volume 16, Number 1
  • Volume 16, Number 2 Summer 2006
    Roy Goodman: BF and the Midwest.
    Exhibition, “BF: In Search of a Better World.
    Frankliniana Database at
    “An Eighteenth-Century Version of the Convenience Store” by Claude-Anne Lopez
    In His Own Words: What Constitutes a Civil Society (1/13/1772 to Babcock).
    “A Look at the Franklin Court Mastodon Tooth” by Patrice L. Jeppson.
    “Balzac Recalls Franklin” by Eleanor Gesensway
    BF House Open for Franklin’s 300th Birthday.
    Franklin’s Role in 1783 Negotiations Recognized in Minnesota.
    Friends Tercentennial Tour, Oct 26-Nov 5, Follow Franklin’s Footsteps in “His London and Paris Years.”
    “BF: Different Aspects of the Man” by Seymore S. Block.
    Tidbits: University of Virginia “Inventing America”, University of Milan, “Promoting Sciences”, University of Michigan, “Franklin in the Blogosphere.”  Juan Cole on Arabic publication of the Founding Fathers (Blog Post 2/11/2004).  Good Reads: Eating, HSP, Alan Houston/Cambridge, Dan Kalenak, Jill Lepore “Goodbye Columbus”, Eric Ratliffe, “BF: A Narrative in Verse on the Life and Works of BF”, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, James Morrow, “The Last Witchfighter” – the mother of WF. Stamped With That Familiar Face. Many others: high-water-mark of the tercentennary! New York City weekend.
  • Volume 16, Number 3 Fall 2006
    Roy Goodman: September tour of New York, Skousen presentation, NYU Bobst Library.
    Villanova Seminars, by Paul Pasles (mentions Cecilia Brauer’s armonica performance).
    Teacher Educators… by Dr. Robert Houston.
    North West Angle Dedication (George Waters, Phil Krider, Roy Goodman).
    BF and the Morals of Chess by Dr. John McCrary.
    James Madison and the Preservation of Franklin’s Legacy: An Historical Mystery Solved, by Kate Ohno (regarding the May 9, 1759 Extract of a Letter).
    Franklin Abroad: BF and France, Paris and the French, by Daniel Jouve. Translated by Claude-Anne Lopez.
    In His Own Words: Sneak Preview of Volume 38 of the Papers. With reference to Claude-Anne Lopze, “A Story of Grandfathers, Fathers and Songs”, Yale University Library Gazette, liii (1979), 177-95.
    Good Reads: tricentennial publications.
  • Volume 16, Number 4, Winter 2006
    Message from President Roy E. Goodman: Fuel costs.
    Franklin Abroad by Heather Crease
    Celebrating Franklin’s 300th Birthday at the 2006 International IEEE EMC Symposium and Trivia Questions by Aziz S. Inan – I believe these are Professor Inan’s first contribution to the Gazette: after this, his math puzzlers appear in almost every issue.
    Graves of William Franklin and William Temple Franklin, by L. David Roper (with photos). See also our current article.
    An excerpt from Franklin in Love, A Play by Patrick Hugeuenin
    In his own words: The Elysian Fields
    London-Paris pilgrimage, October 2006.
    The wreck of the Bonhomme Richard, page 8.
  • Volume 18, Number 1
  • Volume 18, Number 2
  • Volume 18, Number 3, Fall 2008
    Lancaster discussion, in President’s Message by Roy E. Goodman
    A Message from Eleanor Gesensway, New FOF Board Member
    Thomas Barclay letter, January 18, 1782
    Consul Thomas Barclay working for/with BF, by Priscilla H. and Richard S. Roberts
    American Women and Enlightenment Science, by Susan Branson
    Jim Srodes on Franklin’s wealth (p. 2-3).
    The Glass Harmonica: A Novel, by Louise Marley (p.3).
    Franklin’s accounts online, Paul Pasles on BF’s Numbers (p. 10)
  • Volume 18, Number 4, Winter 2008
    The Apostle of Liberty Immortalized, 1790 image.
    Franklin and Money symposium coming April 17, 2009.
    LeMay volume 3, Alan Houston BF and the Politics of Improvement.
    In Memoriam: J. A. Leo Lemay
    In Memoriam: Whitfield J. Bell, Jr.
    BF in Auray, December, 1776, by Genevieve Hamon
    “More Money to be Borrowed” — BF and Robert R. Livingston Correspondence, September 1783.
    What was it like working for/with BF? Part II by Priscila H. Roberts and Richard S. Roberts
    Papers, Volume 39 released.
    Carla Mulford, The Cambridge Companion to BF.
    Edwin Wolf Legacy Library online at
    Franklin’s Passport for British Ships
  • Volume 19, Number 1, Spring 2009
    Charles Darwin. J. A. Leo Lemay appreciation by James Srodes.
    The American Swindler Thomas Digges by John Walburn
    2009 Celebration (picture includes the late John C. Bogle), theme “BF Goes to Wall Street”
    The Philadelphia Contributorship: BF’s Insurance Office
    Perfect Square Dates by Aziz S. Inan, Ph.D.
    Michael Pollan and BF on food systems
    The Gulf Stream Revisited by John Buchanan
    In Memoriam: Benjamin Franklin Reinauer, II
    Hudson Valley Trip coming in October.
  • Volume 19, Number 2, Summer 2009
    Franklin, Agriculture and the Physiocrats, by Kate Mearns Ohno
    Craven Street event in Washington, DC (photo)
    Franklin and Mortgages, Part I, by Robert E. Wright
    BF, Creditor
    The Papers of Benjamin Franklin: Meet the People, by Kate Mearns Ohno
    CD from 2009 symposium.
  • Volume 19, Number 3, Fall 2009
    From President Roy E. Goodman:
    In Memoriam: Frank B. Jones
    Franklin in Literature – Past and Present, by Eleanor Gesensway
    The Friends of Franklin visit Albany, September-October 2009
    Champlost: Estate of the Fox Family and Repository for Franklin’s Papers, by Valerie-Anne Lutz van Ammers, APS.
    Franklin and Mortgages, Part II. by Robert E. Wright
    Graphic: Sheriff’s Sales Advertisements…1760-69.
    In His Own Words: How to Make Wine (“make advantage of the blessings of providence”)
  • Volume 19, Number 4, Winter 2009-2010
    BF Birthday celebrations with Gen. Eisenhower, p. 3
    BF and the Hudson Valley: Part I, Summer, 1754 by Kate Mearns Ohno (with Snake cartoon)
    Upcoming Scotland Trip, p. 6, 8.
    Short Hints, p.7
    Early American Studies on The Atlantic World of Print, p. 9
    In Memoriam: James Gassaway.
  • Volume 20, Number 1, Spring 2010
    Ben Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Initiative, p. 1 (President: Roy E. Goodman)
    Franklin’s Climate Change Video
    BF and the Hudson Valley: Part II, Late Winter, 1776 by Kate Mearns Ohno
    BF: Breastfeeding Advocate? by Karen Poppy
    National Archives Photostream on Flikr, p. 9
  • Volume 20, Number 2, Summer 2010
    President: Lee Knepp.
    J.A. Leo LeMay (1935-2008), A Remembrance by Kevin J. Hayes
    Franklin Family Descendants: A Collateral Line: The Williams/Alexander Family
    Palindrome Dates in BF’s Life, by Aziz S. Inan
    BF and the Hudson Valley: Part III, Spring, 1776 by Kate Ohno
    Franklin in Scotland, 1771, by Kate Ohno
  • Volume 20, Number 3, Fall 2010
    A Renaissance for the Glass Armonica? by Charlotte and Bob Craig
    The FoF Visit Scotland…2010 by Elly Fitzig
    BF as an Editor
    BF and the Hudson Valley: Part IV, by Kate Ohno.
    Patience Wright: by Eleanor Gesensway
    LeMay legacy: Documentary History site, LL’s books.
  • Volume 20, Number 4, Winter 2010/2011
    The Influence of Franklin’s Autobiography on Judaism, by Shai Afsai
    The History of the Friends of Franklin, by Martin Mangold
    Franklin’s Descendants: BF Bache’s Resolutions, 9/29/1789.
    Words of Learning in the Age of Franklin: Part I, by John Pollack (from the Tercentenary).
    1841 Verses to Celebrate Franklin’s Birthday, by James Montgomery
    In Memoriam: Max Hall
  • Volume 21, Number 1, Spring 2011
    BF and the Pennsylvania Germans
    Descendants Visit: Ted & Sharon Molin, Lisa & Daniel Bache, Ralph Archbold
    Sugar Independence (Richard Price, Archibald Redford).
    Good Education Part II by John Pollack
    Following in His Great-Grandfather’s Footsteps: The Remarkable Career of Brigadier General Hartman Bache by Andrew A. Zellers-Frederick, Executive Director of The Woodlands.
    In Memoriam: William D. “Bill” Anderson of Wichita.
  • Volume 21, Number 2, Summer 2011
    The Development of the Postal Service, by Bob and Charlotte Craig
    Franklin and Christ Church of Philadelphia.
    Dear Doctor Franklin by Stuart Green available.
    Worlds of Learning Part III by John Pollack
    Union Fire Company marker dedicated
    BF on the possible defeat of the USA, 1784.
    Smithville, NJ (Hezekiah B. Smith) by Eleanor Gesensway
    More 17s by Aziz S. Inan
    BF and his Canary Island History, by Carlos Cologan Soriano.
    Franklin tooth at APS.
    The Blackwell Companion to BF by David Waldstreicher
    The Political Trial of BF by Kenneth Lawing Penegar
  • Volume 21, Number 3, Fall 2011
    BF In Search of a Better World visit upcoming.
    No more Raping and Pillaging from Yale Alumni Magazine
    Franklin Abroad
    BF and the Bennsylvania Germans tour, by Jean K. Wolf (September tour)
    Worlds of Learning, part IV, by John Pollack
    Franklin Court Renovations underway
    275th Anniversary of the Union Fire Company
    Papers Volume 40 released.
  • Volume 21, Number 4, Winter 2011/2012
    Passing of Frank H. Batchelor
    Celebration 2012!
    Past Celebrations
    BF’s Religion by Louis C. Washburn, Rector of Old Christ Church
    Le Veillard to William Temple Franklin, 7/27/1785
    In Montreal: Franklin and the Revolutionary Wife [Jane Hughes], by Bruno Paul Stenson
    Christopher Lowell website.
  • Volume 22, Number 1, Fall 2012
    Musings: Catherine The Great and Benjamin Franklin, by Eleanor Gesensway
    April 2012 Weekend in Washington, D.C. by Martin Mangold
    The “Phylosephy” of Crown Soap, by Julie Hegner
    Emma Thompson letters of 1777
    Math Puzzlers by Aziz S. Inan
  • Volume 22, Number 2, Winter 2012-2013
    Final Issue
    Ellen Cohn, “In Memoriam: Claude-Anne Lopez (1920-2012)
    Franklin’s Stove, by Alysia Cain
    A Message from the Board of the Friends of Franklin